Welcome Nailim!

We have a new contributor Nailim. It’s nice to see how your projects starts live own life :) He made 2 big pull requests with 2 new features implementations. His first pull request was not perfect but I fixed some things and it’s released at 31 version. Second pull request was even more complex and it brings a color styling for the panel’s title label based on system states.

1. System CPU loading monitoring

Now you could monitor your system loading and see a symbolic smile at the extension title.

2. Color styling for different system states

Now, optionally, you could use colors for the extension title to make attention. So you could use default color scheme or custom one.

I just replaced Gtk Entry’s for hex color code with Gtk color pickers to make it simpler.

Welcome to the board, Nailim!

Other interesting news.

We got the first Patreon!

Yoann Deferi from France found the project useful and becomes a Patreon monthly!!!

We are getting famous :)

There were many links from search engines, social networks and small references but this one is looking like a nice overview :)


100+ GitHub stars make the project most successful from all my open-source projects. So it’s a rare thing - some just gnome extension gets it.

Published next 32 version of the extension

It will be available at gnome extensions after moderator’s review. Now you could test it from Releases Page or just get it from the Master branch as usually.

That’s all folks!